Steve jobs’ and the Luxury Industry

The late Steve Jobs - Co-founder of Apple

On October 5th 2011, Steve Jobs, the co-founder of one of the world’s most renowned technology giant, Apple, passed away due to a long struggle with pancreatic cancer. Steve Jobs has often been described as a technology freak, a visionary and has been credited for changing the way we live, work and play. The blog entry ‘How did Steve Jobs affect the luxury industry’ extracted from, discusses (as the title suggests) Steve Jobs’ influence in the luxury sector.

Company voice –Rachel Lamb, a reporter for the website has taken on an objective and informative tone in her blog entry. Rachel refrains from using language inclusive language such as ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘me’ ‘us’ etc. that suggests a personal opinion. Rather, Rachel has filled her blog with the opinions of a myriad of experts who had different views on the subject.

For example:

Linda Passaro, global vice president of sales and marketing for McIntosh Laboratory, New York said: “Steve Jobs had a huge influence on the luxury industry, one that is being played out today on many levels”


Al Ries, chairman of marketing consultancy Ries & Ries, Roswell, GA disagrees:
“I’m not sure that Steve Jobs has had much effect on the luxury industry because the industry tends not to pay attention to what happens elsewhere”

However, at the end of the entry there is a short 30 second YouTube video with the writer’s ‘final take’ on the topic where Rachel is asked by an interviewer for her opinion. The situation leaves her no opportunity to speak as a corporate voice in which she starts her response with “I think..”. Although the blog has been written in a company voice, a visual at the end of the blog where the writer summarizes her thoughts seems bias and personal no matter the content.

Moderately trustworthy – In spite of the expert opinions which displayed a range of thoughts and ideas that were gathered by Rachel, it appears that Rachel has failed to regard the luxury industry outside of the United States. Additional opinions of renowned fashion companies such as LVMH and Chanel or luxury car brands such as BMW and Mercedes could have given more weighted and interesting statements. Moreover, opinions of other luxury brands worldwide would have reinforced her article.

The short blurb at the end of the entry describes Rachel as a writer and her blogs. Although it mentions that her ‘beats’ include:

“Apparel and accessories, arts and entertainment, education, food and beverage, fragrance and personal care, government, healthcare, home furnishings, jewelry, legal/privacy and nonprofits”

The list does not include technology or luxury brands which indicates to readers that this topic may not be her forte and can contribute to (even discredit) the trustworthiness of this blog.

The writer’s intention for this blog was to commemorate and celebrate Steve Job’s life and his achievements rather than to brutally measure Steve Jobs influence on the luxury industry.


Lucid Luxury is a student blog that will keep you up to date with the latest news and happenings of the luxury world and market. Lucid Luxury will focus mainly on marketing and communications methods and tools used by luxury brands today.

Accompanying the news and reviews, Lucid Luxury will also provide a corporate commentary and analysis. The blog roll contains a list of companies and websites we are following and will be our reference vault of links and inspiration. Please keep an eye on them as they will be updated on a regular basis.

Here are the top 6 amongst the companies / sites we are following:

WWD (– Women’s Wear Daily (WWD), also referred to as the “Fashion bible”, WWD is one of the top daily websites that provides a balance of credible business news and key fashion trends dedicated to an audience who are involved in or have an interest in the luxury and fashion industry. WWD also has a blog section split up into more focused categories such as business, beauty, eye, fashion, media, men’s and retail.

Luxury Daily ( – features news and analysis of advertising and marketing campaigns of luxury brands in all mediums from social media to mobile marketing and commerce.

Born Rich ( – is a blog which focuses on luxury living. Features reviews on hotels, services and experiences and luxury products including cars, yachts, technology and gadgets.

Just Luxe ( – features lifestyle, fashion, travel and videos section. Particular point of interest is the video section which keeps you up to date with notable marketing and advertising campaigns of luxury brands.

Haute Luxe (Haute Luxe facebook group / –  is a social network group created by Philippe Mahailovich, Luxury Brands Professor at INSEEC. The group was created as a forum for networking and discussion on luxury brands between all of Philippe’s students and past students. Haute Luxe features spotlight articles on a regular basis which are open for opinions and comments.

Louis Vuitton (YouTube account) – contains an organised library of short videos including behind the scenes shoots, teasers, artistic  videos which aims to educate consumers whilst promoting the brand awareness of the luxury giant, Louis Vuitton.